Due to human-caused climate change, the Gulf of Maine – which stretches from Cape Cod north to Nova Scotia, one of the most important global marine ecosystems – is warming faster than 96% of all oceans on earth. This alarming rate of warming has caused dangerous changes in the Gulf’s ecosystem, negatively affecting all its life and biodiversity. Gulf of Maine EcoArts addresses this situation by creating illusions of the world beneath the waves. Our exhibits are symbols for the biodiversity crisis in all the world’s oceans, and the overall plight of life on earth.
New Community: To Re-connect people with the natural world. To build an ongoing ‘Arts/Science community’ – creating an alliance of humans and our animal and plant neighbors in the Gulf of Maine. A primary reason for the planetary crisis is our disconnection, especially since the industrial revolution, with our natural world community. We are all related to, and connected with each other. We are the Wild. We are part of biodiversity, biological beings in a diverse living world: The other animals, plants, the land, water, fire, weather, atmosphere ARE ALL US.
Project as Art Work: The project is constructed to operate and evolve like a collaborative work of art. Via communication, hands-on art work, events and education GMEA will promote awareness of the climate crisis, encourage stewardship and action, affect change. Climate justice cannot be realized unless biodiversity problems are seriously faced and addressed.